Wednesday 19 December 2012

#romamslaves 2

Crikey, it has been a long while since I last wrote a blog. Sadly this part of my cyber-life has been neglected, not because I didn't have the time to write one, but simply because I forgot about it. I shall be making up for it over Christmas. Hopefully. 

Anyway, my slavery lectures finished just under a week ago. I'm extremely sad about this as there was so much more to learn, particularly about slavery in the Americas. It is rather annoying being an Ancient History and History student wanting to learn about American slavery, but not being able to because the options to do this are always taken up by Contemporary History students. They should have their own section of options so they don't ruin it for the rest, particularly as at uni you have to learn about all this medieval pish. Sorry, rant over.

I recently wrote an essay about Spartacus and the Third Servile War that killed thousands of people, all for him to gain freedom. His army, though well equipped and to start off with well disciplined, was untrained and unskilled, yet still managed to defeat Roman legions. Women and children fought alongside the men. The army was split into two factions, one led by Spartacus, the other by Crixus, but both were not heading towards the same goal - Crixus was thriving in the destruction that he was able to create in villages and places unprotected by soldiers, while Spartacus wanted his freedom. Spartacus' downfall was the fact for some unknown reason, his army changed direction. Even when there was a clear path for his army through the Alps and off to freedom, he did not take it. I argued that he was an unselfish man, fighting  for the freedom of slaves. I am now starting to think that what I wrote, though obviously speculation, had only a small argument behind it.

The reasons are as follows:
1) He clearly did not want freedom that much. If anyone was that desperate to free themselves from slavery, they would have strode across the Alps and been out of sight of the Roman army, and would have been able to disperse before they could be caught. Spartacus did not do this. He instead, put his fellow slaves' lives at risk once again, and carried on fighting. 
2) The change of direction. Did something distract him that made him think he needed to stay there and fight? Was there a threat awaiting them after they crossed the Alps? Or was he a glory-hunter and had his success blinded him into thinking he could do more? - 'Oh, look at Spartacus; he could have escaped but instead he fought on to bring justice to the slave population, to try and gain something more for them, sacrificing his life...' - something like that. 
3) There is a speculative theory that Spartacus' objective was to march on Rome itself. This would suggest that he wanted to change the system as opposed to just desiring freedom. However, if this was the case, it again shows that Spartacus was trying to adorn himself with glory; by defeating Rome, he would have defeated the Roman Republic and thus would have been proclaimed the hero of slavery. 

Spartacus wanted to achieve something that was not possible without the outside support of a Roman legion or the backing of a community. It therefore seems that once defeats starting coming Spartacus' way, instead of escaping west he threw everything he had at Crassus' army, all to no avail. Sure, it looks heroic, but realistically it achieved nothing for slaves; Roman slavery still existed, tighter laws were put in place by Augustus to stop anything like this happening again, and because of the victory orchestrated by Crassus and Pompey, it enhanced their political careers. Even though he very nearly succeeded, if Spartacus had just taken the option to flee, he perhaps would have been hailed a hero to the thousands of slaves in his army, and indeed to historians alike today. It appears that he did not feel this was enough, and this is what destroyed his chances of gaining freedom at all.

So, Spartacus hunger for recognition now for me overshadows any of the good that he did for the slave community. As for me, not much has happened in the past month and a half that can compare to what I have just talked about. My eye hurt for two days, I saw the new Twilight film (so-so) and Rise of the Guardians (amazing), eaten a considerable amount of Nandos and am currently hanging on for dear life at the end of the 2:1 barrier for my degree. Oh, and I did pretty well in a compulsory house Come Dine With Me, for someone who refuses to cook normally. 

Bye for now, 

Friday 26 October 2012

The Pursuit of Happiness

Forgive me, but I am in too much of a good mood to write about anything else. I think I'm going to switch from a serious post to a non-serious one each week, just to mix things up a bit. Anyway, yes, I'm in such a great mood, and that's what I'm going to talk about; stuff that makes me happy. Again, I apologise.
  • Looking through pictures of friends and immediately remembering everything that happened. 
  • Taking the packaging off a new DVD or CD.
  • Listening to your new favourite song on repeat. Right now mine's Sub Focus' "Tidal Wave".
  • Having a conversation that doesn't stop until one person leaves.
  • When J.D. and Turk do the "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeagllllllle" in Scrubs.
  • Getting presents. In my case, particularly ones that you've bought yourself.
  • Playing Left 4 Dead on expert, and thinking you'd be awesome in a Zombie Apocalypse.
  • A Pub Quiz.
  • Seeing your parents after being away for ages.
  • Eating a Domino's pizza with Jalapenos on, or a Chicken Tikka Subway with Jalapenos.
  • Achieving what you want in an essay.
  • Helping someone out. With anything.
  • Kisses. Particularly a little quick kiss in public.
  • Hugs from anybody.
  • Spooning. When you fit snugly into your partner.
  • When you look in the mirror and think "yes, I look good"
  • Actually being told you look good.
  • Laughing. Hearing people laugh, laughing with others, and laughing to yourself.
  • Buying a new perfume, dress, or pair of shoes.
  • Using a till; you feel so important.
  • Going out for a meal.
  • Lying in your bed, looking up at the ceiling, just thinking.
  • When your CD's are organised into alphabetical order.
  • Drinking apple juice.
  • The feeling you get inside when you are excited about seeing someone.
  • The sexual innuendo that constantly flows through Two and a Half Men.
  • Penny from The Big Bang Theory.
  • Amber Heard.
  • Ryan Reynolds. 
  • Getting a piercing. I have 9 and counting.
  • Jeremy Clarkson's books. Only books I have laughed out loud at. 
  • Haribo.
  • Your mum cooking you the perfect sunday roast.
  • The hugs my dad gives me.
  • How great me and my brother get along.
  • My Uncle's sense of humour. 
  • Northern accents. I think I like them a bit too much. 
  • Cucumber and Humous.
  • When I write a poem that I know is amazing. Same goes for drawing something.
  • Watching the best TV show ever: Community.
  • Disaronno.
  • Being on a beach when it's hot and sunny. With a picnic.
  • Playing crazy golf.
  • A hot shower. Preferably shared.
  • Silly, little interesting facts about anything and everything.
  • Sounding smart. Either making a good point, or winning an argument.
  • Being engrossed in something. For me, it's usually to do with History.
  • Going to a gig or concert. 
  • And, last but not least, doing "Gangnam Style" down an aisle in Asda.
I've just read this back and am cringing all the way through. I promised myself I'd never write something like this. Ever. Oh what have I become.

Another week down and another week to sum up in one a few lines. I dressed up as a mermaid, finally got on top of my work, spent what felt like years in the library, and started watching House from the beginning (never seen anything that has made me feel so ill as   a woman getting her throat cut so breathing tubes can be inserted into it. It's the reality that hurts, I can handle comic blood).

I am now sad because a baby has just died in House. Which is weird because I'm not maternal in any way (Season 1, Episode 4).


Sunday 21 October 2012


So, my last seminar for the week (and because I do a History degree that means my second) was all about the economics of Roman and American Slavery (hense "Romam: Roman and American. Follow this on Twitter). This module is right up my street as these are two of my favourite time periods in History. What made this seminar for once even remotely engaging, was that we all had to read two texts, and then talk about them during the two hours we spent together. I think it was more meant to be like a debate, but I prefer it this way; teaching your fellow peers the opinions of the book or article, as well as incorporating your own. 

Now, as I read through the six pages of notes I took, what is clear is that many of the sources, particularly the American ones, rely heavily on facts and figures. They seem to be part of the Cliometric group (New Economic History). This in particular refers to Robert Fogel, who's book Without Consent or Contract enlightens the reader on exactly how the American slave trade rose and declined through the Revolution and the Civil War. It's fascinating to note that after slavery was abolished, the demand for slaves increased. Perhaps this would seem obvious to most people, but I find it intriguing. In my head I compare it to prohibition; alcohol stopped circulating, so more people wanted it and thus the black market flourished. I guess to the South in particular it was a way of life to them, just as alcohol is part of every day life, so without them they did not feel like they could survive. Regardless of this, Fogel makes excellent points through the use of numbers to showcase that even though on the outside it seemed like a huge amount of money was made through the slave trade, it does become clear that it was significantly less efficient than the manufacturing way of life in the North. No wonder then, did the slave trade die out. 

The Roman sources were equally interesting, with some giving idealised ways in which a slave household should be run (Columella). Now, I truly believe that Roman society would not have been as successful, or thrived as much if slaves were not a part of it. They did so much for the people of Rome, and were valuable tribute after a conquest abroad. Even people that were not captured followed the parade of Roman soldiers back home to Italy to seek a better life. Unlike American slavery, this trade was a great asset to Rome.                

It can be confusing thinking of the different kinds of unpaid workers that were around during both periods; the free men who were not actually free; the slaves who were not trusted to do specialised jobs properly; the helots who were defined as "between free men and slaves"; gladiators who were used for entertainment only and; the use of some women as sex slaves. But the fact is they all worked for their owner and in return got food and a life. Of course some jobs were better than others, some in fact were very high status, but that does not take anything away from the fact that they were still slaves, and had no rights as a human being. Which is odd, considering they could be recognised for punishment by law as they would have to sign that they had committed an offence, yet it was the slave-owner that had to take the punishment. After all, it was the master's fault that their slave did wrong, because they are possessions not people.

Aside from that, had a pretty interesting week since the last blog I wrote. I fell down the stairs and twisted my ankle, I finally succumbed to Fresher's Flu, and I was taken on my first ever date. Clearly you can see the highlight. I mean, not like you care anyway.

Oh, and I'm writing this from my housemates bed, where everyone is asleep as they went out last night. I came home early with chips and watched Homeland.

Bye for now,

Friday 12 October 2012

Introduction to an Almost 21 Year-Old.

I feel a short and sweet introduction is needed, as this is my first ever blog and I would like anyone who reads this to know a little bit about me before I start writing about the important parts of my life. I am studying for a joint honor degree in Ancient History and History, of which I am in my final year. I have participated in voluntary work at Flag Fen, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I come from Peterborough, I love Cherry Coke, I have met Jimmy Carr, and I have a cat. 

Now for what will be discussed in my blog. First and foremost, is my passion for History. Here I shall write and discuss parts of history that interest me, that will hopefully interest my readers too. This would range from anything to do with America, World War I and II, the English Civil War, the Romans (particularly the Republic) and the Russian Revolution. I hope that what I say will be of value to readers, as History is the thing that I want to do for the rest of my life. 

Aside from my degree, I am hugely interested in gaming, listening to music (from classical to heavy metal), film and tv. Occasionally I will review a game or film, talk about the latest series on tv, and have general discussions about music and how I could not live without it. Being able to hear is the most important thing to me, as without that I could not enjoy anything that I do.

I may also blog from time to time about certain news stories that have caught my eye, either for the right or the wrong reasons. However, I will not just attack specific people for what they have done, call them names and get angry; I shall look at the topic in general and say why a certain story caught my attention.

Before I go, I must say thank you to Constantina Katsari (@c_katsari, for convincing me to start writing a blog. I have only had her for one lecture so far in my entire degree course, but I already have a huge amount of respect for her, as what she says makes more sense than the theory of evolution. I am turning 21 in four months. Now is the time for my movements on the internet to be more professional, less insulting to others, and fewer drunken photos of me wearing fancy dress that barely covers my skin. I actually want to get a job after my degree so a good first impression is essential, particularly as I the sector I want to go into is teaching.  

So, I now want to be part of the blogging crowd, which I never thought would be something that I would say. Having read many of my friend's blogs and some random ones too, the majority do not really discuss anything in particular. Now, I know that what I shall be blogging will cover a broad area of topics that I am interested in, but at least it will not include examples of the type of food I'll be eating for dinner, or what a lovely walk I had in the park with my dog. Need to get the hang of not insulting people, but I am working on it. 

My Twitter is @IAmNicolaJayne, so please follow me if you like this.

Bye for now, Nicola.